Member-only story
Working 2050 is a speculative fiction oral history project about workers of the future. Listen here.
I first meet Margaret Boggs at the Galesburg train station — she’s wearing beige coveralls and carrying a sign that reads “Reporter” in well designed font. Underneath those letters the sign says “for The Party — the #1 Business Game in the American Union”. Though she’s wearing work boots, Boggs’ demeanor is… polished.
Are you with Working?
That’s me.
Good, are you recording? Let’s start — we’re walking this way.
…Okay. Give me one second….
[That sound is her picking up my bag and walking away.]
Um… Right behind you. So tell me about what you do. What’s your day to day like, from the moment you wake up?
My name is Margaret Boggs. I created and now maintain a popular experiential learning game for businesses called “The Party.”
The Party is a 2 hour contained experience business game.
It’s designed for any group struggling with conflict, avoidance, or indecision. We recommend that the group has a long standing relationship and a common goal.
Most of the groups that play are committees of some kind — municipal or cooperative.